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+34 972 755 082 -

A Ocitània oferim activitats memorables a la natura per tothom, divertides i innovadores: rutes en segway, en burricleta, làser combat, gimcames, surfway (la paticleta)

+34 972 755 082 -

A Ocitània oferim activitats memorables a la natura per tothom, divertides i innovadores: rutes en segway, en burricleta, làser combat, gimcames, surfway (la paticleta)


At Ocitània we provide memorable, fun and innovative outdoor activities for everyone: segway excursions, burricleta routes, laser combat games and miniquads, to mention a few. All of them combine having fun exploring the countryside with the latest technology. We offer activities for couples, families, groups and companies, and we do so with the love and respect we have for our countryside and with professional management of all the processes involved in your experience.

Ocitània was born from the passion and initiative of a young man from Gualta, Marc. He loves the area that has seen him grow up and, with a degree in industrial engineering in the bag, he hit on the idea of offering a range of innovative and fun outdoor activities to visitors. We have, more than once, heard him say that he considers Ocitània to be his child, one that gives you headaches but which you love anyway with steadfast devotion.

Carla is the coordinator for the Ocitània activities. He's a lover of all outdoor sports, has a degree in CAFD (sports and physical activity) and is a confirmed fan of Laser Combat.

Pau, Abdel and Isarn, are the permanent instructors on the Ocitània team. They love their work and have put their own stamp on some of the activities.

Ashleigh, Marcela, Zaida and Yuri are the staff that will take your calls and reply to emails if you make enquiries or you wish to make a booking. They are multilingual and multitasking and are our friendly faces who will welcome you when you arrive.

Fina, who is from the Empordà with Andalusian roots, is our number cruncher. She makes everything add up and to show you how adventurous she is, she is usually the first one to try out our new activities at Ocitània. This year the burritó with the whole family!

Carla is responsible for sales at Ocitània. She says she doesn't sell activities but "moments of hapiness". So far, no one has dared contradict her...

And in the summer we reinforce our team with more instructors who make their work their passion.