Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 67 Tirolina
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+34 972 755 082 -
A Ocitània oferim activitats memorables a la natura per tothom, divertides i innovadores: rutes en segway, en burricleta, làser combat, gimcames, surfway (la paticleta)
+34 972 755 082 -
A Ocitània oferim activitats memorables a la natura per tothom, divertides i innovadores: rutes en segway, en burricleta, làser combat, gimcames, surfway (la paticleta)
Zip line
If you are doing some other activity Ocitània can also opt to shoot you for our zip line!
If you are doing any other activity at Octiania, you can also choose to throw yourself down our zip line, which is 7 metres hig and 65 metres long... not much you say?