+34 972 755 082 - info@ocitania.cat
A Ocitània oferim activitats memorables a la natura per tothom, divertides i innovadores: rutes en segway, en burricleta, làser combat, gimcames, surfway (la paticleta)
+34 972 755 082 - info@ocitania.cat
A Ocitània oferim activitats memorables a la natura per tothom, divertides i innovadores: rutes en segway, en burricleta, làser combat, gimcames, surfway (la paticleta)
If you are doing any other activity at Octiania, you can also choose to throw yourself down our zip line, which is 7 metres hig and 65 metres long... not much you say?
Give it a try and we'll talk about it.
Price: 6 € (the price is per person and includes two descents).
Each extra ride costs 2 €.
If you are a larger group you can choose as many rides as you like: