+34 972 755 082 - info@ocitania.cat
A Ocitània oferim activitats memorables a la natura per tothom, divertides i innovadores: rutes en segway, en burricleta, làser combat, gimcames, surfway (la paticleta)
+34 972 755 082 - info@ocitania.cat
A Ocitània oferim activitats memorables a la natura per tothom, divertides i innovadores: rutes en segway, en burricleta, làser combat, gimcames, surfway (la paticleta)
Are you one of those who enjoys trying new things? Do you want to test your ability and balance ?
We propose you to come and meet our Giracat, a challenge of your skills thought for those who dare like you, who enjoys two wheeled vehicles, like our segways, especially if they are different and unique, like our Giracat !
Do you dare to enjoy the new challenge that we have prepared for you?
Click here to know more.