+34 972 755 082 - info@ocitania.cat
A Ocitània oferim activitats memorables a la natura per tothom, divertides i innovadores: rutes en segway, en burricleta, làser combat, gimcames, surfway (la paticleta)
+34 972 755 082 - info@ocitania.cat
A Ocitània oferim activitats memorables a la natura per tothom, divertides i innovadores: rutes en segway, en burricleta, làser combat, gimcames, surfway (la paticleta)
Strategy, run, hide, crawl and scream! A game to enjoy and have fun with family and friends, no impacts, no pain, only excitement and big smiles! On a unique outdoor apocaliptic course.
The latest technology that uses infra-red similar to television remote controls combined with a variety of games set amidst nature. Already getting in the mood for a game?
Ideal for groups, birthdays and teambuilding!