+34 972 755 082 - info@ocitania.cat
A Ocitània oferim activitats memorables a la natura per tothom, divertides i innovadores: rutes en segway, en burricleta, làser combat, gimcames, surfway (la paticleta)
+34 972 755 082 - info@ocitania.cat
A Ocitània oferim activitats memorables a la natura per tothom, divertides i innovadores: rutes en segway, en burricleta, làser combat, gimcames, surfway (la paticleta)
The craziest gym on the Costa Brava!
Enjoy the first Grand Prix of Catalonia. A gymnasium supervised by different monitors and made up of around 10 tests of agility, balance and dexterity that will vary according to the time of year.
With a minimum age of 7 years, you will enjoy 2.5 - 3 hours of team activity.